Specialty Programs


Biohacking Wellness Programs

Weight Loss Fat Burner Program

Do you want to shed pounds, burn fat, and finally reach your ideal weight? Losing weight can feel like an overwhelming challenge. 

We want to show you the way to a healthier, more fit you.

Here’s what you can expect from our weight loss program and why our weight loss program is the ideal choice for you: 

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Live Life Longer Longevity Program

Have you ever felt like there's more you could do to actively work towards living a longer life? If you are interested in taking precise action to live a healthy lifestyle and extend your life, Campus Motion is the place for you! 

Campus Motion offers a unique programdesigned to help you live a longer, healthier life. 

At Campus Motion, we believe that life is a gift—one that should be treasured and enjoyed. With the right tools and resources, you can take control of your health and extend your life.  

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Mind Over Matter Brain Health Program

Is it ever frustrating to have a million things to do but feel like your brain is stuck in neutral? Are you having trouble sleeping? Studies show that over 45 million Americans today experience symptoms related to brain health issues– from memory loss to lack of sleep. 

At Campus Motion, we understand how important it is to take care of your brain. That’s why we’ve developed a revolutionary brain health program that uses cutting-edge technology to support optimal brain health and performance.

Our revolutionary Mind Over Matter Brain Health Program is designed to help you achieve maximum brain fitness and performance and take your brain health to the next level!

So, what are you waiting for? Try our Mind Over Matter Brain Health Program today and take control of your brain health!

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Performance Recovery Programs for Athletes

Baseball & Tennis

Arm Performace Recovery Program

This program is curated specifically for overhead athletes (baseball & tennis). We use a combination of thermal, cryo, vibration, and manual techniques along with corrective exercise to promote total arm recovery. This program will accelerate your arm recovery and keep you on the field or court performing at your best! Say goodbye to "dead arm" and that nagging pain in the front of your shoulder!

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Runners & Cyclists

Race Week Prep Program

This program is curated specifically for runners & cyclists. This is a daily program for the week leading up to the race where we spoil your legs to get them optimized for Race Day! You've worked so hard in training to get to this point, it is now time to rest, relax, and reset! Let's activate those glutes as well!

Race Week Recovery Program

The race is over. You've succeeded and hit that new PR! Congrats! But your friend DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) came to visit and let me tell you, it's a rough visit. Come in daily the week after the race and let us turbocharge your recovery. What a wonderful way to thank your legs for all they've done for you!

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Track Athletes

Track Performance Recovery Program

This program is curated specifically for track athletes. We use a combination of thermal, cryo, vibration, and manual techniques along with corrective exercise to keep those hamstrings and groins healthy and firing on all cylinders. Your sport requires power, speed, and explosion and your leg muscles must be up to the challenge! This is what you need to avoid those nagging hamstring, groin, and shin splint injuries. Lose a split second here, an inch or two there, and you might have costed yourself a medal. Let us help you gain that extra edge!

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 Injury Recovery Programs

Hamstring Recovery Program

Just pulled your hamstring recently? Been having nagging recurring issues with your hamstring? Hamstring issues limiting your performance? If so, this program is for you!

Here is what is included in this program:

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Shin Splint Recovery Program

Pain in your shins bothering you? Having pain in your shins with running, jumping, or squatting that continues to get worse? Missing out on your favorite sport due to shin pain? If so, this program is for you!

Here is what is included in this program:

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Ankle Sprain Recovery Program

Sprained your ankle recently? Sprained your ankle a while ago but it still hurts and is limiting your performance? Sprained your ankle multiple times recently and worried about your ankle stability? If so, this program is for you!

Here is what is included in this program:

  • Ankle Sprain Injury Consultation to identify  cause of ankle pain or recurring ankle sprains
  • Corrective Rehab Exercise Prescription to address deficits and dysfunctions causing ankle pain or recurring ankle sprains
  • Localized Cryotherapy to accelerate healing and repair of damaged ankle tissue
  • Cupping/scraping/stretching as needed to resolve ankle pain and promote healing

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